mock mistakes

Cards (17)

  • animal cells unlike plant cells do not have a cell wall, explain how this difference affects red blood cells when placed in a concentrated salt solution: high water potential in red blood cell, low water potential in salt solution
  • long term effect of dietary shortage of vitamin c: skin dosent heal
  • describe a method the student could use to keep the temperature of the yeast and glucose mixture constant: put in a water bath, that has a constant temperature
  • describe how the student could modify the result to give a more accurate result: correct volume of gas by using a measuring cylinder
  • suggest why a polythene bag was put around the pot of soil: to stop evaporation from soil
  • suggest why people with cystic fibrosis often have lung infections: as bacteria grows and cannot be removed
  • suggest why gas exchange is reduced in someone with cystic fibrosis: oxygen cannot go to the alveoli for gas exchange, no carbon dioxide removed from blood
  • explain how the results of the investigation show that this species of grass plant is able to survive in an changing environment: produce genetic variation, natural selection occur adaptation developed
  • suggests why the blood taken from the athlete is vacuum sealed and stored in a fridge: as bacteria grows in warm environment and the fridge is cold it is then vacuum sealed as there is less oxygen present
  • suggest how dehydration increases the risk of a heart attack: there is less water in the blood which then increases blood pressure
  • an embolism is a blockage in a blood vessel that may be caused by a clot explain why a pulmonary embolism is a health risk: as less blood is going to the lungs so there is less gas exchange so less oxygen in the blood
  • suitable control for plant experiment: plant upright
  • suggest how a plant benefits from closing its stomata when less water is available in the soil: no transpiration
  • describe the differences between the process of transcription and the process of translation: transcription takes place in the nucleus, translation takes place in ribosomes, transcription produces MRNA, translation produces amino acids, transcription starts with DNA, translation starts with MRNA
  • name small protein molecules in umbilical cord which provide immunity: antibodies
  • suggest two reasons why a pregnant women needs more energy than a non pregenant women: as she weighs more mass and for the growth of the foetus
  • describe the consequences of smoking cigarets for the functioning of the lungs: carcinogens which can cause cancer, chemicals damage bronchioles and alveoli, can lead to COPS, airways inflamed bronchitis, destroys cilia in trachea no longer function