Ecosystem A community of living things interacting with their non-living surroundings
ecosystem of energy encompasses the flow and exchange of energy within a biological community, involving processes like photosynthesis, consumption, and decomposition as organisms interact within their environment
Mass flow within an ecosystem pertains to the movement and cycling of materials, such as nutrients and organic matter, as they pass through living organisms, the soil, and the atmosphere.
A nutrient cycle is defined as the cyclic pathway by which nutrients pass-through, in order to be recycled and reutilised.
Nutrient cycling is a cyclic process that encompasses the movement of nutrients from the physical environment to living organisms and back to the environment.
Carbon Cycle is the main constituent of all the living cells.
Nitrogen Cycle is also an essential component of life.
Oxygen Cycle is essential for life. is required for decomposition of biodegradable waste products.
Water Cycle is an essential element for life to exist on earth.
Population dynamics refers to the study of how populations change in size and composition over time, as well as the factors that influence these changes.
Birth rate The rate at which new individuals are born into a population.
Death rate The rate at which individuals die within a population.
Immigration The movement of individuals into a population from outside sources.
Emigration The movement of individuals out of a population to other areas
Risk Perception refers to how people individually and collectively understand and assess the risks connected to environmental problems or hazards.
Risk Assessment is a process that identifies potential hazards and analyzes what could happen if a disaster or hazard occurs.
The risk assessment process has four parts Hazard identification, Hazard characterization, Exposure assessment, Risk characterization.
A dynamic risk assessment is the continuous process of identifying hazards, assessing risk, taking action to eliminate or reduce risk, monitoring, and reviewing.
Risk Management in ecosystems involves implementing strategies to minimize and address potential threats and uncertainties that could harm the health and functioning of the ecosystem.
Ecocentrists believe that nature deserves to exist for its own sake regardless of degree of usefulness to humans.
Anthropocentrism literally means “human-centered"
Rachel Carson published a book in 1962 entitled Silent Spring about the effects of pesticides on large predatory birds, particularly the bald eagle.
About 20% of the world’s population uses 75% of its resources.
ecological footprint is one measurement of a person’s resource use.
Presidential Decree No. 1586 Environmental Impact Statement System to attain and maintain a rational and orderly balance between economic growth and environmental protection
Environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystem in order to live sustainably.
Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990 To protect the public and the environment from the risk or potential dangers in the use or exposure to chemicals from long term damage brought about by careless handling or disposal of hazardous wastes
•Environmental ethics the study of moral issues concerning the environment and moral perspectives, beliefs, and attitudes concerning those issues
Precipitation is any form of liquid that condenses into a large droplet of water then falls from the atmosphere such as rain, snow, and sleet.
Rain gauge is an instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to measure and record the amount of rainfall to a certain area.
Non–recording Rain Gauge This type of rain gauge is only used to collect rainwater, but it cannot denote the amount of rainfall. The most common non–recording rain gauge used is Symon’s non–recording rain gauge.
Recording Rain Gauge Type of rain gauge that gives an automatic record of the rainfall to determine its intensity and duration.
Evaporation It is a process when a liquid substance turns into a gas substance.
Infiltration It is the process in which the water on the surface enters the soil
Infiltrometer An instrument used to determine the rate of infiltration through soil.
Streamflow Also known as channel runoff. It refers to the flow of water through natural waterbodies such as rivers and streams.
Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers.
Aquifers are typically made up of gravel, sand, sandstone, or fractured rock, like limestone. Water can move through these materials because they have large connected spaces that make them permeable.
Well hydraulics is a branch of hydrogeology that focuses on the study of groundwater flow and the behaviour of water in wells. It involves understanding the movement and distribution of groundwater within aquifers, as well as the factors influencing the flow rates and pressures encountered in wells.
Well hydraulics is the study of the movement and behavior of groundwater in aquifers