Weberiantheory looks into party, class, and status
Weberian theory defines 4 classes; propertiedupperclass, pettybourgeoisie, property-lesswhitecollarworkers, and manualworkingclass
Horizontalsegregation is the different jobs taken up by differentgroups EG whiteindividuals are more likely to access whitecollarwork while ethnicminorities take up parttimeemployment
Verticalsegregation is certain groups having greater upward socialmobility and being more able to access the toppayingjobs in society
Barron and Norris (1976) duallabourmarket shows whiteindividual as likely to take part in secureprimarywork and minorities to take part in low paysecondarywork
Ethnic minorities experience socialclosure (Mackintosh and Mooney2004) as they are not able to access the upperclasses that whiteindividuals take part in
Fragmentation is the is the creation of more socialclasses as different classes experience different levels of socialmobility
Rex and Tomlinson (1979) ethnicminorities experienced relative deprivation pushing them into an underclass as they experienced socialclosureseparating them from whiteindividuals