Respiratory Distress Syndrome - is a serious lung disorder characterized by insufficient surfactant that causes the alveoli to collapse on expiration that greatly increases the work of breathing.
The important surfactants that must be present at birth:
Lecithin / Sphiagomiyelin 2:1
SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME - Is the sudden death of a previously infant. It is the most common cause of death between ages 1 month to 1 year.
ABG Analysis - This test helps to evaluate gas exchange in the lungs by measuring the gas pressures and pH of an arterial sample
Pre-test: choose site carefully, perform the Allen's test, secure equipments- syringe, needle, container with ice
Intra-test: Obtain a 5 mL specimen from the artery (brachial, femoral and radial)
Post-test: Apply firm pressure for 5 minutes, label specimen correctly, place in the container with ice
SURVANTA - drug that is close to the natural surfactant. Exogenous preparation of surfactant either synthetic or extracted from animal lungs, is given through the breathing tube. Derived from cow lungs, which can decrease the risk of death in hospitalize very-low-birthweight infants by 30%.
Pa02 - 80 to 100 mmHg
PaC02 - 35 to 45 mmHg
pH - 7.35 to 7.45
НСО3 - 22 to 26 mEq/L
02 Sat - 95% to 99%
Alveoli - end point of resperatory system. exchange oxygen and acrbon dioxide in the bloddstream
Premature Infants - those at highest risk for RDS
Propylactic treatment - administered in the delivery room (RDS)
Rescue treatment - given after definitive diagnosis of RDS
Surfactant - lines alveoli on top of water layer, lowering the surface tension and allowing the alveoli to expand