CYTO 11 & 12

Cards (101)

  • CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES - these alteration can be detected by studying the affected person's karyotype
  • 2 basic groups of chromosomal abnomalities: Numerical & Structural Abnomalities
  • CELL DIVISION - one of the most important activities that cells undergo
    • KARYOTYPE - displays all chromosomes in a cell
  • NUMERICAL ABNORMALITIES - there are changes in the number of chromosomes of a karyotype
  • ANEUPLOIDY - loss or gain of 1 or more chromosome
  • POLYPLOIDY - addition of 1 or more complete haploid chromosome
  • MONOSOMY - loss of single chromosome
  • TRISOMY - gain of 1 or more homologous chromosome
  • NULLISOMIC GAMETES - no chromosomal material
  • TURNER SYNDROME - aka 45, X Karyotype
  • TURNER'S SYNDROME - aka Monosomy X, there is one chromosome & no second sex chromosomes
  • Turner's syndrome - is a disorder affecting women
  • Turner's Syndrome frequency is 1/ 2500 births
  • TRISOMY - presence of an extra chromosome
  • DOWN SYNDROME often known as Trisomy 21
  • XXY aka Klinefelter's Syndrome
  • Klinefelter's Syndrome (XXY) is a disorder affecting men
  • KLINEFELTER'S SYNDROME - 2 X chromosomes & one Y chromosome
  • Klinefelter's Syndrome frequency is 1/500 - 600 males
  • XXX - triple X syndrome
  • Triple X Syndrome is a disorder afecting women
  • Triple X chromosome frequence is 1/1000 girls
  • XYY Syndrome - Supermale Syndrome or JAcob Syndrome
  • XYY Syndrome is a disorder affecting men
  • XYY SYNDROME OR SUPERMALE SYNDROME - one X chromosome & 2 YY in pair 23
  • XYY Syndrome frequency is 1/1000 males
  • DOWN'S SYNDROME - 3 chromosomes in pair 21
  • Down's syndrome frequency is 1/600 - 800 infants
  • Down's syndrome average lifespan is 60 years
  • EDWARD'S SYNDROME - 3 chromosomes in pair 18
  • Edward's Syndrome frequency is 1/5000 - 8000
  • PATAU'S SYNDROME - 3 chromosomes in pair 13
  • Patau's Syndrome frequency is 1 in 10,000 to 15,000 live births
  • STRUCTURAL ABNORMALITIES - result from chromosome breakage with subsequent reunion in a different configuration
  • Structural abmormalities can be balance or unbalance
  • BALANCED REARRANGEMENTS - chromosome complement is complete
  • UNBALANCED REARRANGEMENT - chromosomal complement contains an incorrect amount of chromosome material
  • TRANSLOCATIONS - portion of one chromosome is transferred to another chromosome
  • 2 types of Translocations: Reciprocal Translocation & Robertsonian Translocation