Serverless is when the underlying server, infrastructure and OS is taken care by the CSP. It is generally by default highly available, scalable and cost-effective.
DynamoDB is a serverless No-SQL key/value and document database. It is designed to scale to billions of records with guaranteed consistent data return in at least a second.
Simple Storage Service (S3) is a serverless object storage service where you can upload very large and an unlimited amount of files.
ECS Fargate is a serverless orchestration container service and it is the same as ECS except you pay-on-demand per running container.
AWS Lambda is a serverless function service where you can run code without provisioning or managing servers. You upload small pieces of code, choose much memory and how long function is allowed to run before timing out.
Step Function is a state machine service and it coordinates multiple AWS services into serverless workflows.
Aurora Serverless is the serverless on-demand version of Aurora.
Serverless Architecture is generally describe as fully managed cloud services.