Key Sociologists: Paper 1

Cards (11)

  • Durkheim
    ~Education teaches shared norms and values and builds social solidarity
    ~Teaches children specialised skills for work
  • Bowles and Gintis
    ~There is a similarity between work and school.
    ~Education creates an obidient workforce to serve capitalism(hidden curriculumn)
  • Parsons (Education)
    ~Role allocation: sorting people into roles that they will go on to perform in life
    ~Meritocracy: the idea that people are rewarded on their efforts and abilities.
  • Willis
    ~Studied the Lads - anti school subculture: students who dont agree with the norms and values of a school so rebel by following their own.
    ~Found that they were not obedient but their subculture was similar to WC workplaces.
  • Ball
    ~Lower class students are likely to be in lower bands: groups of people based on educational ability
    ~Teachers had different expectations of different bands.
    ~Found that in mixed ability classes, labelling still happened
  • Ball, Gowe and Gewirtz
    ~Parental choice and competiton has increased inequalities in education
    ~Middle class students have more choice
    ~School focuses on image and results(high place in league table to attract students to the school - increases funding by government)
  • Parsons(Family)
    Two functions of the family:
    ~Primary socialisation: children are taught norms and values of society by the family
    ~Stabilisation of adult personalities: family relieves stress of life like a warm bath.
  • Zaretsky
    The family serves capitalism by:
    ~Women's unpaid labour - Childcare, Housework
    ~Passing on of advantage in families: inheritance
    ~Unit of consumption of goods and services: buying products
  • Delphy and Leonard
    Family is patriarchal because:
    ~Women are exploited economically - labour is used by their husbands
    ~Family is hierarchal - men at the top
    ~Patriarchal family reflects patriarchal society.
  • Oakley
    ~Women are expected to do unpaid work
    ~Conjugal roles
  • Willmott and Young
    ~Found that the family was becoming symmetrical through shared decisio making
    ~Stratified diffusion: changes in family life start with social classes and trickle down.