Communication: a process of exchanging verbal and/or nonverbal between two or more people who can be either the speaker or the receiver of messages.
Purpose of Communication
To inform
To entertain
To persuade
Communication can be in the form of written, verbal, non-verbal, and visuals.
Written Communication: text or words encoded and transmitted memos, letters, etc.
Examples of Written Communication
ShortMessageService (SMS)
VerbalCommunication: exchange of information through face-to-face, audio and/or video call or conferencing, etc.
Examples of Verbal Communication
Video Call
Non-verbal Communication: used to convey or emphasize a message of information
Examples of Non-verbal communication
Body Language
Personal Space or Distance
Personal Appearance
Voice: includes tone, speech rate, pitch, pauses, and volume
BodyLanguage: includes facial expressions, gesture, posture, and eye-contact.
Personal Space or Distance: refers to an area or space and distance that a person from a different culture, personality, age, sex, etc.
Personal Appearance: refers to how a person presents themselves to a particular situation, whether formal and informal.
Visual Communication: the use of images, graphs, charts, logos, and maps.
Intended Communication: refers to planning what and how you communicate your ideas to other people who are older than you or who occupy a higher social or professional position.
Unintended Communication: when you unintentionally send non-verbal messages to people you are communicating with, or when you suddenly make negative remarks out of frustration or anger.
Source: the speaker or sender of a message
Message: the message, information, or ideas from the source or speaker
Encoding: the process of transferring the message
Channel: the means to deliver a message such as face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, e-mails, and memos
Decoding: the process of interpreting an encoded message
Receiver: the recipient of the message
Feedback: the reactions or responses of the receiver to the message from the sender
Context: the situation or environment in which communication takes place
Barriers: the factors which may affect the communication process
Communication Process
Examples of Barriers
Individual Difference
Language Use
Past Experiences
Examples of Communication Ethics
Respectdiversity of perspective and privacy
Observefreedom to expression effectively
Promoteaccess to communication
Be open-minded
Developsense of accountability
Uphold Integrity: be truthful with your opinion and be accurate with your judgement
Respect Diversity of perspective and privacy: show compassion and consideration with the beliefs, status, affiliations, and privacy of others
Observe freedom of expression effectively: be careful of what and how you say your words depending on the type of people you are communicating
Promoteaccess to communication: give others an opportunity to express what they feel and think about the message being communicated
Be open-minded: accept that others have different vies or opinion, which may conflict with yours
Develop your sense of accountability: acknowledge responsibility for all your actions, good, or bad