Superpower = nation which is able to project its influence and be dominant on a global scale
Uni-polar world = there is only one superpower
-> Great British empire
Bi-polar world = exists when there are two superpowers
-> Cold War (Russia and USA)
multi-polar world = multiple superpowers
-> Current world
Emerging superpowers:
There are a number of nations which are regarded as emerging superpowers including the BRIC nations:
Regional powers = nations which exert power and influence over other countries in the region including:
-> South Africa in Africa
-> France, Germany and the UK in Europe
Factors affecting superpower status:
size and geographical location
economic factors
demographic factors
political power
military strength
cultural influences
Factors affecting superpower status:
size and geographical location
economic factors
demographic factors
political power
military strength
cultural influences
How resources affect superpower status:
Access to resources such as minerals and metals
Control of resources
These can be sold and exported which supports economic growth ->Discovery of oil and gas in the Middle East has given OPEC countries economic power
How size and geographical location affect superpower status:
This links to resources, the larger a country the more resources it may have -> Russia has significant reserves of coal, oil and gas
The geographical position of a country impacts its links and influence over other countries
Economic factors influencing super power status:
GrossDomesticProduct (GDP) -> US GDP per capita in 2022 is US$68,615 compared to China US$21,804
High levels of international trade
The currency is used as a reserve currency and is regarded as 'safe' for investment
High levels of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
How demographic factors influence superpower status:
The size and structure of the population
Large populations provide a large workforce which can support economic growth -> China and India's large populations have been key to their economic growth
Populations with a large working age population supports economic growth
How political power affects superpower status:
A country's ability to affect the decisions of other countries
This can be the result of economic (e.g OPEC countries) or military power which gives countries more influence over other countries
Superpowers and emerging superpowers have key roles in international organisations such as NATO, UN, The World Bank and IMF
How military strength affects superpower status:
The reach of a country's military is key to the level of power they have:
Superpowers and emerging powers have:
Large military forces
Nuclear weapons
A global reach means that the military can be used to achieve geopolitical goals
How cultural influence affects superpower status:
The ability of a country to influence the beliefs, values, customs, lifestyle and ideologies of other countries
Influence can be achieved through:
The media - films, tv, music, radio, internet, art
Transnational companies introducing foods
Migrant populations who bring food, dress, religious beliefs, music