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    • October: (Benito) Mussolini’s march on Rome
    • Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Party (origin from ancient Rome)
    • Portugal Salazar Dictator. Anti-communist.
  • Portugal Salazar was a dictator and anti-communist
  • League of Nations established on 10 January 1920
    • Paris Peace Conferences held in Paris
    • 6 peace treaties (the countries that caused and lost WW1)
    • The Big Four (President Woodrow Wilson of USA who proposed 14 points, Prime Minister George Clemenceau of France, Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Britain and Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy)
    • Treaty of Versailles is signed 28 June 1919, leaves Germany humiliated
    • Dochschluss: stab in the back
    • Depression (economy)
    • Spanish flu: 20 million died

    • Roaring twenties (WORLDWIDE) because the economy was booming
    • 10 January: League of Nations established; became highly beneficial, an organisation formed with the aim of preventing another war and maintaining world peace by settling disputes between nations through negotiation, Australia is part of it, neutral and defeated nations not invited to be involved
    • Isolationist: USA isolated from Europe, President Wilson sent bill to congress but they refused to go back because of the many European nations
    • Fascist group formed in Germany called the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (aka Nazi Party)

    • WWI ended/Great war ended – allies found success in the western front
    • The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month: Armistice Day (agreement from Germany to stop fighting but no one surrendered)
    • The Spanish flu: highly contagious virus that targets the respiratory system
  • Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Party originated from ancient Rome
  • Beer-Hall Putsch occurred on 9 Nov
    • Great Kwanto Earthquake (JAPAN): it is remembered because quarter of a million people died, fire went everywhere
    • 9 Nov: Beer-Hall Putsch (Nazi party attempted to seize power in Munich)

  • Hitler's beliefs
    Top people were Aryans, Germans were the closest to Aryans, should not go to war with the British (national allies), preferred blonde hair and blue-eyed people as the most standardized
  • Lebensraum
    Hitler wanted living space, believed Germans were better as farmers, declared war on USSR, Ukraine, Drangnachosten (drive to the east) to take land from Slavs
  • Wall Street Stock Market Crash in New York, leading to the start of the Great Depression worldwide
    1929 October
  • Leni Reifenstahl's film of the Nuremberg Rally was released in 1933
  • Josef Stalin (man of steel) became leader of the Soviet Union and murdered anyone who opposed him
  • Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931
  • President von Hindenburg died, leading to Hitler becoming Fuhrer (supreme ruler of Germany)
    2 August 1934
  • Dachau concentration camp was established on 22 March 1933
  • Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany, leading the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis)

    30 January 1933
  • Germany reoccupied the Saar, breaking the Treaty of Versailles
    1 March 1935
  • The British Succession Crisis occurred with the death of Edward VIII and the ascension of King Edward VIII

    11 December 1936
  • Soviet 'show trials' began in 1937
  • Darwinism
    Said that the rise of people most suited would control or rule all others
  • Hitler's beliefs
    Germany should rule the world, Slavs (Polish and Russian) were born to be slaves, other groups considered "untermensch" included Poles, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Russians, Africans, Asians, Jews, Sinti, and Romani (Gypsies)
  • Hitler's views on Jews
    Capitalism and communism were controlled by Jews, believed Jews should be sent to the island of Madagascar to save Germany
  • Hirohito became emperor of Japan
  • Start of the Great Depression in 1930 led to economic decline worldwide, with high unemployment rates in Britain, Germany, and the US
  • Sterilisation Laws were implemented in 1933
  • 27 February 1933
  • 3.2 million people died in the Holodomor in Soviet Ukraine in 1932-1933
  • Spanish Civil War, Italy invaded Abyssinia, Berlin Olympics, FDR elected President of the USA and the 'New Deal' began in 1936
  • The Long March in China began in 1934
  • Blood Purge - Night of the Long Knives occurred on 30 June 1934
  • Germany reoccupied the Rhineland
    7 March 1936
  • Nanjing Massacre occurred as part of Japan's invasion of central China for 6 weeks

    13 December 1937
  • The Sudeten Crisis occurred, leading to the Munich conference involving southern Germans

  • Soviet 'show trials' began
  • The British Succession Crisis occurred: Edward VIII died and oldest son became King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson
    11 December
  • Germany invaded Poland using Blitzkrieg tactics, leading to the start of WWII

    1 September
  • British appeasement policy was in effect, aiming to avoid another major war
  • Nazi Germany invaded and occupied the Czech provinces of Bohemia and Moravia in the rump Czechoslovak state, violating the Munich Pact
    15 March