
Cards (12)

  • Young amphibians (eg tadpoles) use gills to breathe as they live in water
  • When amphibians grow, their gills disappear and they grow lungs
  • Some amphibians retain gills for life
  • Adult amphibian lungs lack/ have a reduced diaphragm
  • Amphibians diffuse gases through their skin, to aid this their skin is moist
  • Amphibian skin has vascular tissues to make gaseous exchange possible
  • Label:
    A) Inspiration
    B) Expiration
    C) Buccal cavity expands
  • Inspiration: allows air to flow into the lungs
  • Expiration: gases leave the lungs
  • Buccal cavity expands: increases volume of buccal cavity so that air can enter it
  • The buccal pump mechanism is used by some frogs (e.g. tree frogs)
  • The buccal cavity can be expanded by opening the mouth wide or inflating the cheeks with air.