Ethics is the philosophical science dealing with the morality of human acts.
Ethics provides the principle on the human morality acts.
Ethics is a branch of the Science of Philosophy.
A case study can be developed regarding virtue ethics.
The final project in ethics can be a case study on virtue ethics.
Virtue ethics is a proposed solution to ethical problems.
Ethics is derived from the word “Ethicos” which means “custom” or “character”.
Ethics is often called “moral philosophy”.
Ethics is a study that deals with the principles and laws governing the morality of the human act.
Morality of human acts means the goodness or badness, the rightness or wrongness, or the acceptability or unacceptability of human acts.
Morality comes from the latin word “mos” or “moris” which means “custom”.
Ethics provides principles on the morality of human acts; it provides man with theoretical knowledge of the morality of human acts.
A man can be moral if he applies ethics.
Ethics provides the theory or principles of right or wrong or goodness and badness.
General Ethics presents truths about human acts and from these truths deduce the general principles of morality.
Special Ethics, also known as Applied Ethics, applies to the principles of general ethics in different departments of human activity, individual and social.
Ethics means living in a proper way and it is in the development of a good moral character and virtues that man finds perfection and understand his purpose of existence.
Everybody aims to have peace and harmony among all the people which is indeed the common interest of the people and the government.
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and cognitive (mental) processes.
Laws imposed by the society must be fair, just and human and must be for the welfare of the majority of the people and not offensive to morality.
Education liberates men from ignorance not only from ethical standards but also from laws that are implemented by the society.
Through education man becomes civilized and cultured which guides him to live morally.
Law consists of statutes, regulations, common law and constitutional law.
A piece of art should reflect beauty and must inspire every person who sees it.
Etiquette is a set of rules for well-mannered behaviour.
Politics covers the administration and management of our government.
Psychology only investigates how man behaves.
Politics is concerned with the material needs of man while ethics is for the spiritual.
Man’s artistic creation must have a noble purpose, which should not be offensive to morality.
Psychology is not concerned with the morality of human behavior unlike ethics.
Ethics and Sociology: Sociology is the scientific study of society and culture WHILE Ethics is concerned with the moral order which also includes social order.
Etiquette is an unwritten code or rules of social or professional behaviour such as medical etiquette.
Laws are rules developed by governments in order to provide balance in society and protection to its citizens.
Ethics is the science of good and proper living but good living presupposes correct thinking and reasoning.
Political Science is the study of state and government.
Moral code of an individual or of a society is referred to as morality.
Man is a rational being and acts in accordance with the laws of nature.
To live in accordance with the laws of nature, man has to act in accordance with the laws of nature, as per Immanuel Kant.
Man is an animal, and there are actions and activities of man which are the same with other animals.
Man alone has the capacity to think and to decide actions proper to him as a rational being.