Weather - It is the current atmospheric conditions, including temperature, rainfall, wind, and humidity at any given place.
Climate - It is sometimes referred to as “average” weather for a given area.
Temperature and precipitation - the main elements of climate.
National Weather Service - uses values of temperature highs and lows and precipitation measures for the past thirty years to compile “average” weather for any given area.
Climate - the sum of all statistical weather information that helps describe a place or region.
Latitude - the distance of a place relative to the equator.
Latitude - the distance of a place relative to the equator.
Areas near the equator receives direct sunlight, hence the warm temperature while Areas near the poles receives diffused sunlight, hence the cooler temperature.
Atmosphere - the envelope of gases, held by gravity, that surrounds the Earth.
Prevailing winds (trade winds, westerlies, and easterlies) - formed because of difference in air temperature.
Tadewinds - east to west, up and down equator
westerlies - west to east, midline
easterlies - from east to west, polar
hydrosphere - represents all water on Earth in any state.
Water has a high specific heat, which refers to the amount of heat needed to increase temperature of a substance to 1º
geosphere - influences climate through an area’s geography and land cover
leeward - has dry and warmer temperature.
windward - has cooler and moist temperature.
biosphere - represents all life on Earth.
Vegetation - influences climate by absorbing solar energy and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, releasing oxygen, and releasing water vapor through evapotranspiration.