Channels may be gated (opened or closed) by various factors including voltage, neurotransmitters (Chemically gated), mechanical means (Mechanically gated) such as stretch, vibration.
Voltage-gated channels control ion movements during action potentials: they open and close in response to membrane potential changes and are selective for particular ions.
When an action potential reaches the axon terminal, the electrical signal is passed to the associated neuron or muscle cell at the synapse, a process known as synaptic transmission.
Receptors for acetylcholine (ACH)/Cholinergic Receptors include the Nicotinic ACH receptor (nACHR) which is activated by nicotine and the Muscarinic ACH receptor (mACHR) which is activated by muscarine (fungi).
Nervous systems can have synaptic plasticity that is long, short, and both long and short term, meaning changes occur after several hours, several minutes, and both several hours and several minutes.