Subdecks (1)

Cards (4)

  • The process of converting information between different forms- coding.
    Baddeley gave different lists of words to four groups of participants to remember.
    • Group 1 - acoustically similar words (cat, cab, can)
    • Group 2 - acoustically dissimilar words (cat, screw, drink)
    • Group 3 - semantically similar words (great, large, big )
    • Group 4 - semantically dissimilar words (good, hot, wood)
  • Participants were shown the original words and were asked to recall them in the correct order. When they did this task immediately (testing STM) they tended to do worse with acoustically similar wards. When they recalled the word list after an interval of 20 minutes (testing LTM) they did worse with semantically similer words. Three findings suggest that information is coded acoustically in STM and semantically in LTM.