
Cards (9)

  • What is an attachment
    It is a particular type of emotional bond between the child and the principle caregiver, characteristics by reciprocal ( mutal) affection, frequent interaction, a desire proximity and selectivity.
  • Function of attachment
    • From an early age babies have meaningful social interaction with their carers.
    • it is believed that these interactions have important function for the child’s social development
  • Study which is related to the function of attachment
    Mascot in 1980 identified the four characteristics of attachment seeking proximity, distress on separation, joy on reunion and orientation of behaviour
  • Caregiver infant interaction
    • Key interaction between caregivers and infant is non-verbal communication
    • babies are born with primitive reflexes such as sucking and grasping
    • babies produce social releasers such as smiling to elect a response from the caregiver
  • Reciprocity
    It is how too people interact for example mother infant interaction is reciprocal as the infant and mother respond to each others signal to elicit a response from each other.
  • Examples of reciprocity
    Babies have alert phases and signal that they are ready for an interaction
  • Studies of reciprocity
    • Feldman And Eidelman 2007 - mothers typically pick up on and respond to alertness
  • Reciprocity Feldman 2007
    From above 3 months interactions tends to be more frequent and involve close attention to each others verbal and facial expression
  • Bradenton et al 1975

    Described interaction as a chance because each partner resoonds to the others moves