article 10

Cards (76)

  • a10 - right to freedom of expression
  • qualified right - strike a balence between individual and community
  • handyside v uk - banned a book - was proportionate and within margin of appreciation
  • 3 freedoms of expression - hold opinions - impart info and ideas - recieve info and ideas
  • expression - words, pictures, actions and protests
  • hold opinions - state cannot indoctrinate or discriminate between those holding different ideas
  • freedom to impart info - includes those which others might find offensive
  • to recieve info - does not have a duty to provide info but cannot restrict from recieving it
  • guerra v italy - state doesn't have to inform citiizens - pollution from a powerplant
  • high value - political and religious expression
  • low value - artistic and commercial expression
  • harder to interfere with high value forms of expression
  • low value have a wider margin of appreciation - more room to decide to restrict
  • political example - protests - supporting specific groups
  • religious examples - going to church - supporting religious groups
  • commercial examples - communication on business - adverts
  • freedom of info act - allows access to state info
  • official secrets act - prevents the sharing of certain info
  • r (prolife alliance) v bbc - no violation if limited to meet a legitimate aim
  • article 10(2) - conditions state must meet if limiting the right - prescribed by law - legitimate aim - be neccessary in a democratic society
  • prescribed by law - must have a legal basis which is clear, precise and predictable
  • legitimate aim - national security, territorial integrity and public safety, prevention of crime, protection of health or morals, protection of reputation or rights, preventing disclosure of info, maintaining authority of judiciary
  • otto preminger institut v austria - no violation if justified to protect religious beliefs
  • steel and morris v uk - right to protest under a10
  • sunday times v uk - violation because it was in the public interest and people should have the right to know
  • bop is on state to prove interference is necessary
  • garaudy v france - if there is hatred there is no violation of 10 right - denying holocaust
  • freedom to recieve - through lawful sources - media can provide info - no duty to provide but cannot restrict from finding out
  • thompson and venebles v news corp - request for info -indefinate injunction to prevent info about identities
  • mills v news group newspaper - injunction was not granted to stop newspaper from printing adress
  • goodwin v uk - balence a10 and a8 - journalists refused to reveal sources
  • axel springer v germany - celeb arrested for possession - public interest in story - published
  • technology - law needs to be clear regarding info online
  • press freedom - importance on journalistic expression - journalsit sources cannot be disclosed unless related to a crime
  • 10(1) freedom of expression
  • 3 ways freedom of expression is limited - prescribed by law - legitimate aim - necessary
  • prescribed by law - laid down in the law
  • legitimate aim - listed in 10(2)
  • democratic society - meeting the aims of political expression
  • spychatcher case - mi5 agent released info - once book published in us uk gov cant restrict