2.2 Couples

Cards (30)

  • What do radical feminists think about DV?
    They believe that domestic violence is inevitable in a patriarchal society
  • Legitimise
    To make something that is not fair or honest seem acceptable
  • What did ___ find about domestic violence?
    (Dobash & Dobash)
    -They interviewed women in women's refuges in Glasgow & used police and records to research DV
    -They found often violence was set of by what a husband saw as a challenge to his authority & that marriage legitimises violence
  • What does ___ say about victims?
    They say that victims are often unwilling to report DV to the police & that on average a woman suffers 35 assaults before reporting
  • How much more likely are women to experience SA by a partner?
    4x more likely than men
  • How many people reported being a victim of DV in 2012 in England & wales? What percentages?
    2 million
    7.9% of women & 4.2% of men
  • What percentage of violent crime does DV account for?
    Between a sixth & a quarter
  • What is domestic violence referred to as in the family?
    The dark side of the family
  • What did ___ say are the 2 money management strategies in couples?
    (Phal & Vogler)
    Allowance system- men give their wives an allowance that they use to pay anything the family needs, they must budget and the man keeps any left for himself

    Pooling- both partners have access to income & have a joint responsibility for spending e.g. a joint bank account
  • What are 2 statistics about couples' roles?
    1. Ferri & Smith- Fathers were responsible for childcare in less than 4% of families
    2. Dune- Found lesbian couples had more symmetrical relationships due to absence of traditional gender scripts
  • What does the conflict view say about couples?
    -They believe that women going into work hasn't led to more equality in the DDOL and there's no sign of the 'new man' with women carrying the dual burden
    -Women are more likely to do more housework with only 8% saying the never do it compared to 15% of men
  • What does the march of progress view say about couples?
    Willmott & Young say that the segregated conjugal roles in the industrial era changed in the 20th century to spend more time together
  • According to ___, who made the most important decisions?
  • What is the material explanation of the gender division of labour?
    Differences in gender roles are due to who earns more money and therefore women who earn the same as their partner should be doing equal amounts of work
  • What is the cultural explanation of the gender division of labour?
    Equality will only be achieved when norms about gender roles change as gender roles are embedded in society
  • What did ___ say about domestic work?
    (Warde & Hetherington)
    -They found that sex-typing of domestic tasks is still strong
    -Women 30x more likely to do washing & men 4x more likely to wash the car
    -Found that men only carried out 'female' tasks when their partners weren't around to do it for them
  • What did ___ say to criticise Willmott & young?
    -She said that the idea of symmetry is a myth and she found that only 15% of husbands regularly do housework and 25% regularly do childcare
    -She also believes that housework should be classed as work as some women spend up to 77 hours on housework a week
    Girls in science and technology
    Women in science and engineering
  • What did ___ find about the division of couples' domestic work?
    He found that there was an increase in the number of couples with an equal division of labour & more men were doing traditional 'women's tasks
  • What would conflict theorists say about the position of women?
    abortion rights
    police issues (e.g. Sarah everard)
    SA issues (me too movement)
  • What would the march of progress view say about the position of women?
    votes for women
    able to work & go to school
    charities & refuges for women
    rape laws (1990)
  • What did ___ say in agreement with Young & Willmott?
    -He considers change in the Domestic Division of Labour (DDOL) over time
    -Husbands of full-time employed wives doubled the amount of time they spent in cooking & cleaning
  • Gender scripts
    Structures or paths created by societal norms for each gender
  • Symmetrical families
    Where both partners do more similar & equal roles
  • What are Young & Willmott's reasons for the symmetrical family?
    Changes in women's position
    Geographical mobility
    New technology (labour saving devices)
    Higher living standards
  • What do ___ think about the evolution of couples?
    (Young & Willmott)
    -They see family life as gradually improving
    -Roles in & out the house are more equal
    -Moving towards joint conjugal roles
    -Symmetrical families more common in young people & middle class couples
  • Joint conjugal roles
    Where couples share tasks, such as housework & childcare and tend to spend their leisure time together
  • Segregated conjugal roles
    Where couples have separate roles and their leisure activities tend to be separate
  • What does __ say about roles in couples?
    He says that roles are better for society and there's a clear division of labour between spouses based on biological differences
  • Who talked about joint & segregated conjugal roles?