
Cards (4)

  • kendler & prescot
    Interviewed 2000 female twins in Sweden, born between 1910 and 1958
    found that heavy use and abuse of cocaine and other substances were more dependant on genetic factors rather than environmental
    concordance rates MZ - 35% DZ - 0%
    supports role of genes playing a role in addiction
  • Method of modification
    Research into addiction is pharmacogenetics. This is the investigations in how genetics can effect responses to medications. For example naltrexone which is often used for alcohol addiction has research which suggest that is is more effective in those with a certain gene mutation
  • determinism and ethical implications
    assumes that there is no free will, reduces the amount of blame that an individual has and suggests that they have no control over their addiciton
  • determinism and ethical implications
    Lewis stated that labelling an addiction as a Disease damages the self esteem of an addict, it can also lead to an addict being less likely to accept responsibility, which is important if they want to overcome addiction.