2.4 Changing Family Patterns

Cards (15)

  • Why did ___ say there's more divorce?
    (Mitchell & Goody)
    Due to a decrease in stigma
  • What are the negative impacts of divorce on different family members?
    Men- contact with children (50% make no contact after 2 years)
    Women- finances
    Children- anxiety, more likely to divorce
  • Which gender is more likely to remarry?
  • Which age have a higher divorce rate?
    Lower the age of marriage, higher the divorce rate
  • Which class have a higher divorce rate?
    Working class
  • What proportion of marriages are remarriages?
  • What is more likely to happen to remarriages?
    More likely to end in divorce
  • What was another piece of legislation for divorce?
    1996 Family Law Act- allows divorce by agreement after a 'period of reflection
  • What was the main piece of legislation for divorce?
    1969 Divorce Law Reform- divorce allowed after 2 years of agreed separation
  • What percentage of divorces were sought by women?
  • What percentage of marriages end in divorce?
  • What are 3 reasons people divorce?
    -Ease of divorce (secularisation)
    -Increasing conflict between spouses
    -Values attached to marriage are too high
  • What percentage of marriages in 2017 were religious?
  • Why did people marry? (4)
    Economic reasons
    Social expectations
    Social status
    Childbearing/sexual activity
  • Cost
    Changing attitiudes