Anisakis spp.

Cards (10)

  • Anisakis spp. are nematode parasites found in whales, dolphins, porpoises, walruses, seals, sea lions, and other deep marine mammals
  • Anisakis spp. have long elongated vermiform bodies without segmentation. They have a complete digestive tract and separate sexes
  • Commonly involved species include Anisakis simplex and Pseudoterranova decipiens
  • Adult worms are embedded in the gastric wall of marine mammal hosts and discharge unembryonated eggs into the sea
  • 1st stage larvae develop inside the egg and molt into the 2nd stage
  • 2nd stage larvae are ingested by micro-crustaceans
  • 3rd stage larvae of Anisakis simplex are milky white, measure 19 to 36 mm in length, have a long stomach, and a blunt tail with mucron
  • Other Anisakis species have a shorter stomach and blunt tails, while Pseudoterranova larvae are yellowish-brown, measuring 25 to 50 mm in length
  • When the oropharynx is involved, the presentation is commonly known as “tingling throat syndrome”
  • Diagnosis of anisakis spp. can be done through gastroscopic/endoscopic examination, ELISA, and Radioallergosorbent test (RAST)