Sifting and sorting people into the roles that they will go on to perform in life
Who theorised role allocation?
Davis & Moore
Define specialist skills
Education gives us a complex division of labour. We need people to do different jobs within society therefore different subjects prepare us for a variety of skills
Who theorised specialist skills?
Define social solidarity
Education gives everyone the same sharednorms and values. This allows us to work as a unit & function as a whole
Who theorised social solidarity?
What does Dennis Wrong think of the functionalist view of education?
Functionalists have an "over socialised view" of people as mere puppets of society
Why is education not meritocratic?
Class, ethnicity, gender, private education
What do Neo liberals + the new right say about education?
It fails to prepare young people for work
What do interactionists say about the functionalist view of education?
Functionalists teach us control rather than shared norms and values.
What do Marxists say about social solidarity?
Education is not value consensus, it's just the values of the bourgeoisie
What is Davis + Moore's circular argument?
A job is important if it pays more. If it pays more, it is important.
What does Melvin Tumin criticise?
Davis + Moore for putting forward a circular argument
What is an example against meritocracy?
Working class don't have same oppurtunities
What is an example against Durkheim's idea of specialised skills?
In 2011, it was found that high qualityapprenticeships are rare, 1/3 of 16-19 year olds are on courses that don't lead to higher education
What is an example of society's achieved status?
Exam results
What is an example of society's universalistic standards?
Everyone is treated in the same way
How does education fit into the human body analogy?
Everyone has a function
What is the functionalist analogy?
The human body analogy
What is streaming?
students are sorted into classes according to their ability and stay in these groups for most of their subjects.
What is Meritocracy?
equality of opportunity
What does parsons say education is built on?
What standards do wider society have?
What status does wider society have?
What status does the family have?
What standards do families have?
statusdoes Parsons say we need to bridge the gap between?Ascribed status to achieved status
What does Parsons say which
standardswe need to bridge the gap between?Particularistic standards to universalistic standards
Why does Parsons agree with Durkheim?
He says that school is a "focal socialising agency"
The hidden curriculum
The informalteaching done in schools that socializeschildren to societal norms