3.2 Ethnicity & Internal factors

Cards (18)

  • What can we say about the relationship between ethnicity, class & gender?
    Black boys are more likely than girls to be labelled as disruptive
    Bigger gap between white MC & WC than Black MC & WC- ethnicity cant be the most significant
  • What are 2 negatives and a positive of Gillborn's institutional racism theory?

    -Fails to consider external factors e.g. absent fathers in Black boys' underachievement
    -How can institutional racism explain the 'over-achievement of Indian & Chinese students vs Pakistani & Bangladeshi students
    +Label of 'model minorities' provides myth of meritocracy & justifies failure of other MEGs, model minorities still face racism
  • Gifted & talented programme, what is a disadvantage?
    To support gifted children in inner city schools, however white pupils 5x more likely to be seen as gifted & talented as Black pupils
  • What is the assessment game?
    -Assessment is rigged to help the dominant cultural group succeed
    -In 2003, foundation stage profile moved to teacher assessed judgements instead of tests which increased affect of stereotyping & overnight, Black students went from highest achieving MEG to lower than white pupils in every area
  • How do critical race theorists see education as institutionally racist?
    Marketisation leads to stereotypes affecting admission process
    School reports found pupils with language difficulties and process was difficult for EAL parents
    Applying difficult for EAL parents
  • What did Troyna & Williams say about critical race theory?

    They said that individual racism isn't enough to explain the differential educational achievement of MEGs, therefore its institutional
  • Critical Race Theory
    Racism is ingrained in society and affects everyone's daily lives
  • Institutional racism
    A form of racism that's embedded in the laws & regulations of a society or organisation
  • Ethnocentric
    The dominant culture/ethnic group see their own practices as superior & fail to consider other ethnic groups
  • What did Mirza say are the 3 types of teacher racism?

    Colour blind- believed all pupils are equal but allow racism to go unchallenged
    Liberal chauvinists- believed Black pupils are culturally deprived & have low expectations
    Overt racists- believed Black pupils are inferior & actively discriminate
  • What did Fuller find about the responses to labelling?

    -She studied a group of successful Black girls in a London school. They were angry about labelling so motivated to succeed but didn't value teacher approval
    -They were friends with girls in the anti school subculture & this was a way of dealing with symbolic violence between their ethnicity & school habitus which allowed them to maintain a positive self image
  • What did Archer find about how teachers label Chinese pupils?

    -Even if they're successful, they can be pathologised (they receive a negative-positive stereotype as teachers believe they achieve success in the 'wrong way')
    -Passive- learnt through family structures
  • What did Wright find about how teachers treat Asian children?

    -Studied a multi-ethnic primary school
    -Found that Asian students were a victim of negative teacher labelling as teachers held ethnocentric views and assumed Asian pupils have poor English and were left out of discussions
    -Asian pupils' names were pronounced wrong or teachers didn't know or disapproved off their customs
  • What did Gillborn & Youdell find about how teachers treat Black children?

    -They're quicker to discipline Black children for the same behaviour as white pupils
    -Racialised expectations and seen as far from 'ideal pupil
  • What percentage of the U.K. teacher workforce is white?
  • What do Gillborn & Mirza say about Black children's achievement at different points?

    Black children are 20% above average at the start of school an 20% below average at GCSE due to internal factors
  • What are 3 examples of ethnocentrism in school?
    Books are mostly written by white people
    White British history from our perspective
    European languages taught
  • What are 2 examples of ethnocentrism in everyday speech?
    -Saying that other countries 'drive on the wrong side of the road'
    -Saying that other languages 'write backwards' istead of 'the opposite way