4.3 Gender & Subject choice and Pupils' sexual & Gender identities

Cards (8)

  • How does the influence of female peer groups affect achievement?
    Study of 13-14 year old WC girls in a South Wales school
    As they transitioned from a girls' friendship culture into a heterosexual dating culture & faced tension between an idealised feminine identity for non-competitiveness or a sexualised identity
    Girls has to adopt Boffin' identity- conforming to schools ideal feminine identity & having to perform an asexual identity & lacking interest in boys & fashion
  • How do male peer groups affect achievement?
    Verbal abuse used to reinforce dominance of masculinity
    Willis' lads- boys in anti-school subcultures accuse boys in pro-school subculture of being gay
  • How does verbal abuse affect achievement?
    Dominant sexual & gender identities reinforced through abusive vocabulary e.g. name calling
    (Parker) boys labelled gay just for bring friendly to girls/female teachers regardless of actual sexuality
    Reinforces idea of non-heterosexual identities being inferior
  • How do double standards of sexuality affect achievement?
    Boys praised for sexual exploits & gives them status among peers & ignored by male teachers
    Girls labelled 'slags' by peers & promiscuous by teachers
  • Hegemonic masculinity
    Heterosexual stereotyped masculine identity gives status whereas female and homosexual identities seen as subordinate
  • How do gendered career opportunities affect subject choice?
    Employment still highly gendered
    Over half of women's employment is clerical/secretarial/cleaning
    Boys affected as nursery nurses 'should be' women & won't choose childcare
    Explains larger gender differences in vocational education
  • How do gendered subject images affect subject choice?
    (Kelly) science is seen as a boys subject because-
    Science teachers more likely men
    Teacher & textbook examples draw on boys' interests
    In lessons, boys dominate apparatus & act as if its theirs
    (Colley) single sex schools have less gender differences
  • How does gender role socialisation affect subject choice?
    (Norman) from an early age there are differences in how boys & girls are encouraged to dress, play & do as hobbies etc