A set of shared beliefs, symbols and rituals that exist alongside traditional religious institutions and serve to unite a nation or society e.g. standing for the flag
A sociological and anthological concept of a system of beliefs and practices where a group of people (often organised clans/tribes) place spiritual significance to specific natural objects, animals or symbols known as totems
What did Aldridge say to criticise the constructionist definition?
Scientology has been denied legal religion status which contrasts the idea that each individual's experience can be religion as it isn't legally recognised
Define religion in terms of the social/psychological functions performs for individuals or society and focuses on integration. It's inclusive (allows us to include a wide range of beliefs & practices). No specificity towards belief in God/Supernatural so no western bias
Places emphasis on the context/substance of religious belief. It's the most constrictive and draws a line between religious and non-religious beliefs. They conform to a widespread view of religion as belief in God