3. Feminist Theories of Beliefs

Cards (15)

  • What year could women become bishops?
  • What percentage of Unitarian ministers are female?
  • What do the Unitarians & Quakers prioritise?
    Inclusive leadership
    Social justice advocacy for gender equality, reproductive rights & LGBTQ+ rights
  • What are 2 liberal christian groups?
    Unitarians & Quakers
  • What does Gillian-Ray say about social bartering?

    Some young British Muslim women wear the hijab to gain parental approval to enter further education & employment where their presences has traditionally been problematic
  • Why do some women wear the hijab? (3)
    -Find it shields them from unwanted attention & objectification
    -Promotes dignity & self respect
    -A form of solidarity with other Muslim women
  • How does Saadawi criticise monotheism?

    For introducing the concept of female religious subordination
  • What does Armstrong say about positives of religion for women?

    Women choose to remain in their religions as practices & movements empower women within their respective traditions
  • What does Woodhead say are 2 of the restriction on women's rights?

    (Financial dependence) women may be encouraged to be financially dependant on their husbands or even forbidden from opening their own bank accounts
    (Male guardianship) Women may require consent of male family members to do public activities like shopping & driving
  • How are women represented in religious texts?
    -Frequently excluded or marginalised in sacred texts & stories
    -Men are written as leaders, women have secondary roles
  • What are 3 examples of exclusionary practices in religion?
    (Islam)Women must be at the back of the mosque & can't touch the Quran if menstruating
    (Tibetan Buddhism) women can only be enlightened if they're reincarnated as a man
    (Pentecostal Christianity) Women restricted from leadership positions
  • What does Holm say about gendered rituals & practices?

    Many religious rituals reinforce gender distinctions & inequality. e.g. dress codes, segregation of worship spaces, gender-specific roles in ceremonies or spiritual roles
  • What does Armstrong say about religious leadership?

    Many religious traditions historically & presently exclude women from formal religious leadership roles, such as priesthood or clergy positions, reinforcing male authority within religious institutions
  • What do feminists think about religion & patriarchy?
    They think that religious beliefs, rituals & practices often reinforce patriarchal structures
  • Patriarchy
    Social system or structure in which men hold primary power and authority over women in various aspects of life