11. New Forms of Religion

Cards (13)

  • What are Bruce's 3 arguments against the unquestionable replacement of traditional belief with new-age ideas?

    The size & scale isn't enough to cover gap left by secularisation of major religion
    Transmission of new-age religion is less common
    New-age beliefs lack dedication & are often short-lived
  • How did the religious split change in Kendal?
    New-age religion became more popular
    Evangelical churches adapted to more new-age practices to gain new members
  • What did Heelas & Woodhead find about spiritual revolutions in Kendal, Cumbria?

    Spiritualism split the town's religious members into 2 groups:
    Evangelical Christianity
    New-age religion
  • Sheila-ism (Bellah) (3)

    Bellah interviewed Sheila Larson
    Described her religion as "Sheila-ism"
    Took bits & pieces from various religious traditions to construct her own belief system
  • Online Religion (Helland)

    'Cyber religion' where people can meet & share spiuritual idea without the hierarchal power structure
  • Religion online (Helland)

    Services are traditional & hierarchal, communicating only approved ideas
  • What did Hervieu-Leger say about 'cultural amnesia'?

    Families no longer pass down religious ideas & parents are more likely to let children decide beliefs for themselves
  • What did Day say about 'belonging without believing'?

    -Interviewed 'Christians' & found very few people actively mentioned God or Christianity
    -People interpreted Christianity as an extension of 'Britishness' & it's juts part of living in the UK
  • What do Voas & Crockett say to criticise Davie's ideas of religious 'privatisation'?

    In a survey of 5,750, found that both religion & belief were declining
  • What did Davie say about 'believing without belonging'?

    Highlights a society where belief doesn't need to be overtly shown to exist
  • What is Davie's analogy of a 'spiritual health service'?

    It's there when needed but doesn't need to be attended regularly to remain relevant
  • What evidence supports the breakdown of obligatory religion?

    In 2008, 70% of people said they were christian, but only 11% of these has been baptised
  • What are 3 new types of religion? (give examples)
    -New international religions (Scientology)
    -New age beliefs (Astrology)
    -Para religious practices (Manifestation)