active against gram + and -; penicillins and 1st gen cephalosporins are narrow spectrum; 3rd and 4th cephalosporins are broad spectrum and for more resistant organisms; carbapenems are VERY broad (last resort antibiotics)
non beta-lactams for gram positive organisms, stops growth of peptidoglycan unit of wall (vancomycin, teicoplanin)
protein synthesis inhibitors
binds to ribosomes (30S and 50S to stop reproduction in bacteria)
Nucleic acid inhibitors (fluoroquinolones)?
great drugs with broad spectrum, tissue penetration is good on most tissues
1st gen = nalidizix acid
2nd gen = ciprofloxcin, ofloxacin
3rd gen = gatifloxacin
4th gen = moxifloxacin
metabolic inhibitors
trimethoprim (DHF)/sulfamethoxazole (stops PABA); stops active form of folic acid
Intristic resistance
already had the gene in its genome to be resistant to drug, cannot stop this
acquired resistance
bacteria gains genome/ability to be resistant to drug, we can stop this
antibiotic testing?
in vitro, tested as either sensitive (S), intermediate (I, not really used) or resistant (R)
presence of antibiotics?
will grow if it is resistant, will not grow if it is sensitive
resistance detection
the larger the disc is around the antibiotic means it is more susceptible (sensitive to antibiotics)
micro-broth dilution
is bacteria grows in well of antibios then it is resistant
happens in about 1 in 10 million cells, a colony of bacteria has 100 million cells, up to 10 mutation events in one colony
resistance mechanisms
efflux pump, reduced permeability, enzymatic inactivation, altered binding site
antibiotic pressure?
can cause resistance to antibiotics since it has more time to build resistance mechanisms
sharing of resistance mechanisms
direct spread = plasminds, conjugation, transformation
transduction happens too
gene transfer and recombinaiton that needs direct contact (cell to cell), builds a bridge so plasmid donated genes can move over
naked DNA is taken up by competent bacterial cell and mixes with recipients genome. either DNA fragments or DNA plasmids
transduction (rare)
bacteriophage infects bacteria (virus to bacteria) and gives its resistance