6.2 Explaining the Differences in Offending

Cards (10)

  • What did Fitzgerald et al study & find? (Explain)

    Studied areas where deprived youths came in contact with affluent groups
    More Black youth but white youth were more likely to commit crime
    Ethnicity isn't a cause of crime
  • What did Fitzgerald et al say about neighbourhoods?

    Ethnicity isn't a cause of crime
  • How did Downes & Rock criticise the idea of a moral panic?

    Don't show how the capitalist crisis lead to a moral panic
  • What did they think were the origins of this moral panic?
    -Linked to the crisis of capitalism
    -Served as a scapegoat to distract from true problems (the crisis)
  • What moral panic did the media create? (Hall et al)

    A panic about 'Black muggings'
  • What did Lea & Young say to criticise the myth of Black criminality?

    First generation immigrants were very law-abiding, it's unlikely they passed this on to their children
  • Myth of Black criminality (Gilroy)

    Ethnic minority crime is a form of political resistance against a racist society with roots in the response to British colonisation where oppression was met with riots and demonstrations
  • Neo-marxist view
    Statistics are a social construct resulting from racist labelling and discrimination in the criminal justice system
  • What do Lea & Young say about the link between police racism & criminalisation of MEGs?

    They acknowledge that police can act in racist ways but argue that this does not fully explain differences in statistics
  • Left Realist view (Lea & Young)

    Racism has led to the marginalisation and exclusion of ethnic minorities, and turn to crime to achieve goals that they cannot complete legitimately