Sheldon’s Somatotype Theory AO3

Cards (6)

  • +Research Evidence: Sheldon assessed the somatotypes of samples of college students and delinquents from photographs. Each photo was rated for mesomorphy on a scale from 1 (low) to 7 (high). It emerged that the delinquents had a higher mean mesomorphy rating than the college students (4.6 vs. 3.8), supporting Sheldon's claims about the link between body type and criminality.
  • +A reanalysis by Hartl found that the most seriously delinquent of Sheldon's sample had a mean mesomorphy rating of 5, adding further support to the theory.
  • -Doesn't explain criminality in non-mesomophic somatype.
  • -Criminal activity might require a mesomorphic build.
  • -Social Class may be missing factor here - working classes are more likely to do manual work and therefore acquire an athletic build.
  • -Labelling might play a significant part.