Cards (5)

  • T-Test:
    • Compare mean values for significant difference
    • (No) significant difference between means
    • Probability that difference between the means is due to chance is equal to/less than p = 0.05 so there is a significant difference
  • Spearman rank:
    • Finding whether there is a correlation between 2 values
    • (No) significant correlation (positive or negative)
    • Probability that the correlation (positive or negative) is due to chance is less than/equal to p = 0.05 so there is a significant correlation
  • Chi - squared test:
    • Compare observed and expected results for significant difference
    • (No) significant difference between
    • Probability that difference between observed and expected is less than/equal to p = 0.05 so there is a significant difference
  • Degrees of freedom:
    • t-test = total number of values - 2
    • Chi-squared = number of categories - 1
    • Spearman rank = number of pairs - 2
  • Criteria for chi-squared test
    Data placed in discrete categories
    Large sample size
    Only raw count data allowed
    No data values equal zero