Cards (7)

  • What is corrasion/abrasion ?
    Rocks and sediment transported by the waves smash against rocks and cliffs, breaking bits off and smoothing surfaces.
  • What is hydraulic action?
    The sheer force of the water crashing against the coastline causing material to be dislodged and carried away by the sea.
  • What is cavitation?
    As waves recede, the compressed air violently expands exerting pressure on the rocks and causing pieces to break off.
  • What is wave quarrying?
    The energy of the wave as it breaks against a cliff. Is strong enough to detach bits off rock.
  • What is corrosion/solution?
    Soluble rocks (e.g. limestone and chalk) get gradually dissolved by seawater.
  • What is attrition?
    Bits of rock carried by the water repeatedly collide with each other becoming smaller, rounder and smoother until they are just sediment.
  • What is erosion?
    Erosion is the process of wearing away or removing soil, rock or other materials from the Earth's surface through the action of wind, water, or ice.