7.1B Maintenance of power

Cards (4)

    • Maintenance of power is achieved utilising hard and soft powers
    • These sit on a spectrum, meaning that the methods are somewhere on a scale between two extremes
  • Hard power = military power to try and force countries to behave in a certain way.
    • Military - use of force, threats of force or military action, the forming of military alliances
    • The invasion of Iraq in 1991 in response to the invasion of Kuwait  
    • The invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 following the bombing of the Twin Towers in the USA
  • Soft power = Use political and cultural influence to try and persuade countries to behave in a certain way: These include:
    • Political (diplomacy)
    • Cultural 
    • British literature - Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen 
    • Music - Elgar through the Beatles to Adele,
    • The BBC is one of the world's most trusted broadcasters
    • Television - Downtown Abbey and The Crown have worldwide popularity (73 million people watched The Crown and Downtown Abbey)
    • Over 500,000 overseas students study in the UK each year
  • Smart power = Involves the use of both hard and soft power
    -> USA (westernisation and mass nuclear weapons)