7.7C Contesting spheres of influence

Cards (3)

    • The sphere of influence is the area over which a country feels it has influence outside its own borders.
    • The country has no legal or formal authority in the area.
    • This can lead to tensions and conflict as countries compete to have control over land and/or resources.
  • Eastern Europe:
    • In 1991 the dissolution of the USSR led to the independence of 15 nations including Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova
    • The expansion of the EU and NATO has led Russia to be concerned about its influence in the region
    • Russia's concerns about Ukraine and Georgia stating their aspirations to join NATO and Ukraine and Moldova wanting to join the EU escalated tensions in the area
    • In 2014 Russia annexed Crimea an area of Ukraine 
    • Tensions culminated with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 and the ongoing conflict 
  • South China Sea:
    • One of the most contested ocean regions in the world
    • There are a number of islands in the South China Sea which are claimed by different nations including China and the Philippines
    • The area is essential for trade as it forms the link between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, it is estimated that each year:
    • Over 30% of global trade passes through the South China Sea -> US$5.3 trillion 
    • Approximately 40% of the world's petroleum products pass through the area