
Cards (24)

  • Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings by one individual to another
  • Communication comes from the Latin word communicare meaning, to share or to make common
  • Communication is the process of understanding and sharing meaning
  • Language is a method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way
  • Communication is much more than words, it is a process between two or more people
  • Communication can be viewed from various perspectives:
    • Linear Perspective
  • The classification of communication can be done according to mode, context, and purpose
    • Environment: physical and psychological space where communication happens
    • Context: common and shared understanding of the situation
  • The elements of communication include:
    • Sender: one who crafts a message, idea, or information
    • Encoding: process of converting idea or thoughts into symbols
    • Message: any info, idea, thought the speaker wants to convey
    • Channel: means of transmission or distribution of the message
    • Interference: a hindrance that prevents effective communication
    • Decoding: receiver’s mental process of interpreting message
    • Receiver: for whom the message was created; one who receives
    • Feedback: receiver’s response or reaction to the message
  • Models of communication include:
    • Linear Model
    • Interactional Model
    • Transactional Model
  • Communication is the process by which information, ideas or feelings are transmitted from one person to another.
    • Pragmatic Perspective: it is a sign-mediated interaction that follows rules…
    • Combinatorial
    • Context-specific
    • Content-coherent
  • Semantic means definition or meaning
  • Language Acquisition is our native language
  • Learning English is an example of Language learning
  • Learning contact is the use of acquired and learned language to communicate
  • Etymology means origin
  • 2 types of Etymology perspec are effective and ineffective
  • The use of Emoji is an example of Symbolic Perspective
  • Where does language acquisition starts?
    • Verbal- includes language; using words or sentences to transmit message
    • Non-verbal- includes facial expressions, gestures that should be used moderately, posture 
    • Visual- commonly used in social media; photos, graphics
    • Intrapersonal- talking to oneself
    • Interpersonal- between 2 or more people; can be transactional, personal and mass communication 
    • Transactional communication between strangers; jeep, canteen
    • Personal- between you and your friends or family
    • Mass communication- many people are involved; watching tv, listening to radio
    • Formal- conversation that are professionals; you need to filter words; uses Jargon
    • Informal- casual; between family, friends; uses code
    • Linear Perspective
    • Interactive Perspective
    • Etymological Perspective
    • Symbolic Perspective
    • Pragmatic Perspective