Correlation is a statistical measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables.
A positive correlation is when the independant variable increases and the dependant variable increases
A negative correlation is when the dependant variable decreases as the independent variable increases and vice versa
An independant variable is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher to see what effect it has on the dependent variable
A dependant variable is impacted by the change in the independant variable
No estimated data can be 100% reliable
Confidence intervals help businesses to understand how reliable an estimate is and how confident they can be to act on the data when planning strategy and making decisions
A confidence interval is a range of values in which we estimate the true mean will lie with a specified probability
Extrapolation is the process of drawing conclusions about the future based on past data.
Extrapolation is used to help plan production, staff levels, marketing and to set targets
Methods of extrapolation include:
Asking individuals experts' views
Using past sales figures and predicting the existing trend will continue
Extrapolating data visually on graphs by carrying on a trend or through calculation