An area of operations is an operational area defined by a commander for land and maritime forces that should be large enough to accomplish their missions and protect their forces.
An assembly area is an area a unit occupies to prepare for an operation.
A boundary is a line that delineates surface areas for the purpose of facilitating coordination and deconfliction of operations between adjacent units, formations, or areas.
A checkpoint is a predetermined point on the ground used to control movement, tactical maneuver, and orientation.
This is a checkpoint.
A named area of interest is the geospatial area or systems node or link against which information that will satisfy a specific information requirement can be collected, usually to capture indications of enemy and adversary courses of action.
An objective is a location used to orient operations, phase operations, facilitate changes of direction, and provide for unity of effort.
A phase line is an easily identified feature in the operational area utilized for control and coordination of military operations.
A rally point is an easily identifiable point on the ground at which units can reassemble and reorganize if they become dispersed.
A release point is a designated place on a route where elements are released from centralized control.
A route is the prescribed course to be traveled from a point of origin to a destination.
An assault position is a covered and concealed position short of the objective from which final preparations are made to assault the objective.
The attack position is the last position an attacking force occupies or passes through before crossing the line of departure.
An axis of advance designates the general area through which the bulk of a unit’s combat power must move.
The limit of advance is a phase line used to control forward progress of the attack.
In land warfare, the line of departure is a line designated to coordinate the departure of attack elements.
The objective rally point is an easily identifiable point where all elements of the infiltrating unit assemble and prepare to attack the objective.
A support by fire position designates the general position from which a unit performs the tactical mission task of support by fire.
A battle position is a defensive location oriented on a likely enemy avenue of approach.
An engagement area is an area where the commander masses effects to contain and destroy an enemy force.
Final protective fire is an immediately available, prearranged barrier of fire designed to impede enemy movement across defensive lines or areas
A final protective line is a selected line of fire where an enemy assault is to be checked by interlocking fire from all available weapons and obstacles.
A sector is an operational area assigned to a unit in the defense that has rear and lateral boundaries with interlocking fires.
A sector of fire is the area assigned to a unit or weapon system in which it will engage the enemy in accordance with established engagement priorities.
A target reference point is a predetermined point of reference, normally a permanent structure or terrain feature that can be used when describing a target location.
Block is a tactical mission task that denies the enemy access to an area or an avenue of approach.
Clear is a tactical mission task in which a unit eliminates all enemy forces within an assigned area.
Destroy is a tactical mission task that physically renders an enemy force combat-ineffective until it is reconstituted.
Disrupt is a tactical mission task in which a unit upsets an enemy’s formation or tempo and causes the enemy force to attack prematurely or in a piecemeal fashion.
Fix is a tactical mission task in which a unit prevents the enemy from moving from a specific location for a specific period.
Follow and assume is a tactical mission task in which a committed force follows and supports a lead force conducting an offensive operation and continues the mission if the lead force cannot continue.
Follow and support is a tactical mission task in which a committed force follows and supports a lead force conducting an offensive operation.
Isolate is a tactical mission task in which a unit seals off an enemy, physically and psychologically, from sources of support and denies it freedom of movement.
Neutralize is a tactical mission task in which a unit renders the enemy incapable of interfering with an operation.
Occupy is a tactical mission task in which a unit moves into an area to control it without enemy opposition.
Retain is a tactical mission task in which a unit prevents enemy occupation or use of terrain.
Secure is a tactical mission task in which a unit prevents the enemy from damaging or destroying a force, facility, or geographical location.
Seize is a tactical mission task in which a unit takes possession of a designated area by using overwhelming force.
Support by fire is a tactical mission task in which a unit engages the enemy by direct fire in support of another maneuvering force.
Suppress is a tactical mission task in which a unit temporarily degrades a force or weapon system from accomplishing its mission.