inertia creates an outwardseekingforce to moving electrons, away from center of its orbit.
Centripetal force
due to the attractive pull between negatively and positively charged electrons, the electrons are attracted inward towards the nucleus.
Electron binding energy
The amount of energy required to remove an electron from the atom. Measured in electron volts (eV).
The closer the distance to the nucleus an electron orbits, the more energy required to remove the electron.
Ex. K shell has the highest electron binding energy
Electron binding energy
The higher the number of protons and electrons present, the higher the binding energy for the electron.
Radiation speed
Radiation that is emitted travels through space at the speed of light. (3x10^8 m/s)
How radiation travels
Radiation travels through space either as a particle or electromagnetic wave. It can move through matter/space and in a vacuum.
A photon is the smallest quantity of electromagnetic energy. It has no mass and no electricalcharge. Measured in electron volts (eV).
Sine wave
Photons have continuously changing electrical and magnetic fields which causes them to move through space in an oscillating or sinusoidal pattern known as a sine wave.
The electric field and the magnetic field are perpendicular to each other.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The amount of energy increases from left to right along the spectrum.
A wave has four main properties: wavelength (λ), frequency (f), amplitude (v), and period.
Frequency and wavelength are inverselyproportional, so as one increases the other decreases.
The velocity of an electromagnetic wave is the product of wavelength and frequency.
v= λf
The higher the frequency of a wave, the higher the energy the photon has.
The energy of an electromagnetic photon is calculated E= hf
h is a constant called Planck's which equals 4.15x10^-15eV
Particle Theory
Radiation can be classified by its effects when it interacts with matter, as either: ionizing or non-ionizing.
Ionizing Radiation
This means it has the ability to break atomicbonds that hold the molecules of matter together, producing positively and negatively charged particles.
Ionizing radiation is classified into either Particulate or Electromagnetic.
Addition or removal of an electron from an atom. Once ionized the atom becomes much more open to chemical activity. It can be harmful to the human body.
Non-Ionizing Radiation
The lower ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum, including visiblelight, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves.
Ionizing Radiation- Particulate
Alpha particles, Beta particles, Neutrons
Ionizing Radiation- Electromagnetic
Gamma rays and X-rays
Particulate Radiation
If a subatomic particle is ejected from an atom at a highspeed, with sufficient kinetic energy, it is classified as particulate radiation, and is capable of causing ionization.
Alpha Particles
Consists of two protons and two neutrons. They have a large mass and can transfer large amounts of energy to other atoms orbital electrons, as a result lose energy quickly. Essentially harmless, due to low penetrability.
Beta Particle
Negative charge, lighter in weight than alpha particles- therefore penetrate farther into matter.
Gamma Radiation
Has no mass, no charge, and a short wavelength, high energy so they are capable of ionization.
X-rays are produced when fast moving electrons collide with atoms of metallic elements. Has a short wavelength and high penetrating power.
The study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
Who is responsible for X-rays?
Referringphysician 2. Radiographer 3. Radiologist
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Optimization for Radiation Protection
What is the risk of X-rays?
The main risk is the possibility of inducing a radiogenic cancer or genetic effect after irradiation.
Background Equivalent Radiation Time- compares the amount of radiation received during exam to natural radiation.
Biological Effects of Radiation Exposure
Effects happen because of damage to individual cells.
Damage based on several different factors:
Type of cells, Energy and type of radiation, Metabolic rate/ presence of oxygen, Amount of radiation, Age and sex, Area/amount of tissue exposed.
Radiosensitivity: the relatively susceptibility of cells, tissues, organs, organisms, or other substances to damage from radiation.
Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau
Radiosensitivity of cells is directly proportional to their reproductive activity and inversely proportional to their degree of differentiation.
How Ionizing radiation causes injury
Linear Energy Transfer (LET), 2. Relative Biologic Effectiveness (RBE), 3. Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER).
Linear Energy Transfer
The average energy deposited per unit length along its pathway or track. The higher the LET, the greater the chance of producing significant biological damage.