ao3 computer games

Cards (4)

  • do not to apply to real world aggression. the measures of aggressive beh . delivering 'noise blasts' to a participant have very little to do with actual aggressive behaviour. Just because someone can administer noise blasts does not mean they can do real face-to-face physical agg.
      in lab- the ex gave the ppt permission to demonstrate agg and no consequences (e.g., punishment). This is very different to the real world where fear of consequences deters agg beh
    lack ecological val cannot assume that computer games will increase agg in real life
  • supporting evidence is correlational.
    lacks a c&e r between aggression and violent computer games, no direct manipulation of IV and little control over other variables.
    assumes the socialisation hypothesis that violent computer games cause people to become agg. However, the selection hypothesis might be a better explanation whereby people who are already agg select aggressive media like violent computer games because it suits their tastes.
    If latter is true, aggression is not an effect of violent computer game play and instead agg is due to other factors (e.g., elevated testosterone)
  • Practical application of Violent computer games increasing aggression.
    Pan European Game Information rating system was introduced in 2003 that puts age restrictions on computer games .
    in the UK PEGI ratings 12, 16 and 18 years old are legally enforceable. games carrying these labels cannot be supplied to anyone under the advertised age rating, help parents determine which computer games are appropriate for their children to play. important and protecting children against exposure to violent content which might increase their aggressive behaviour.
    valuable and helps improve lives
  • 4th eval, Krahé or Fischer and Geitemeyer