
Cards (22)

  • la sangre es un tejido ___
  • (parte líquida) es viscoso, compone el 55% de sangre
  • célula roja = eritrocito
  • las células sanguíneas son las encargadas del transporte de oxígeno y nutrientes por todo el cuerpo.
  • células blancas = leucocitos
  • células plateletes = trombocitos
  • como la anatomía de la célula sanguina roja permite que cargue oxígeno y dióxido carbono ?

    el pigmento en la célula eritrocitos llamado hemoglobin permite eritrocitos y oxigeno se combinen en los pulmones para transportarlo a tejidos del cuerpo despues para combinar con el dióxido carbono en los tejidos y transporta a los pulmones como desecheo
  • of the three proteins in plasma — is the one that plays a role in maintaining water balance
  • blood cell formation occurs in the
    myebid tissue (red bone marrow)
  • vital role in clotting
  • stem cell
  • involved in production of antibodies
  • red cells destroyed
    hemolytic anemia
  • inherited clotting disorder - recessive gene on x chromosome -main symptom : tendency to hemorrhage. is hemophilia
  • type of cancer - overproduction of WBC (leukocytes)- susceptible to infections , anemia , and excessive bleeding
  • caused by four factors - decrease of erythrocytes - decrease of hemoglobin in RBC- deficiency of normal hemoglobin- production of abnormal hemoglobin - causes in fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin.
  • most common in african americans -erythrocytes have abnormal sickle shape and cannot carry enough oxygen.
    sickle cell anemia
  • hemoglobin production suppressed 

  • blood poisoning caused by infection of microorganisms and toxins in their blood 

  • caused by injection protozoan - plasmodium by a female mosquito
  • number of thrombocytes or blood platelets -results in long term bleeding of capillaries 

  • also called polycythemia - caused by excessive amount of red blood cells- defect in the stem cell - leads to hypertension or high blood pressure 
