A reflex is an automatic and rapid action carried out by the body
The three types of neurone are sensory, motor and relay neurones
The pathway of electrical impulses for a reflex is receptor --> sensory neurone --> relay neurone --> motor neurone --> effector
A synapse is a physical gap between two neurones
When an electrical impulse reaches a synapse it causes the release of neurotransmitters which are received by the next neurone - starting an electrical impulse
Sensory neurones are connected to receptors and carry impulses to the CNS (Central Nervous System)
At the end of the sensory neurone there is a synapse which releases neurotransmitters that diffuse across to a relay neurone in the CNS
After the electrical impulse passes across the relay neurone, it reaches a synapse which releases neurotransmitters that diffuse across to a motor neurone
After the electrical impulse passes down the motor neurone, it goes to an effector which causes the response