
Cards (26)

  • Validity refers to whether something is true or legitimation
  • Internal validity measures if results are solely affected by changes in manipulated variables in a cause and effect relationship
  • External validity measures if data can be generalized to other situations outside of the research environment
  • Ecological validity is a type of external validity, and it refer to the extent to which findings can be generalised to everyday life setting
  • A lack of ecological validity is a common weakness of laboratory experiments
  • Due to the artificial and contrived setting of a laboratory, it is difficult to generalize findings to natural situations
  • Temporal validity is another form of external validity, refer to the extent to which findings can be aplied across time
  • Refers to the extent to which research findings can be applied across time
  • Asch's research into conformity is an example of lacking temporal validity due to being a product of its time
  • What two way can psychologists Assess Validity?

    1. face validity 2. concurrent validity
  • Face validity assesses if a test appears to measure what it says it measures
  • Specialists in the area conduct face validity assessments
  • Concurrent validity compares the performance of a test to a trusted and recongnised test in the same field
  • A correlation of +0.80 or higher indicates high concurrent validity
  • Use of control groups to allows the psychologist to see wether the independent variables influnecesd the dependent varible.
  • Single-blind and double-blind procedures to prevent demand characteristics of the particpants and investigator effects from the indirect or direct behaviour of the experiment, as the participants and the research do not know what condition they are in
  • Standardized instructions can reduce investigator effects, as all participant recieve the same instructions in exactly the same format. Therefore particpants are less likely ot have different interpreations of what they are required to do, and there is less rick of the reseach giving more info to some pts and not others
  • To imporve the validity of a questionarire a lie scale can be used to check consistency of responses e.g have two questions asking the same trhing but in oppostie ways. This then used to check the validty of an individuals scores
  • another way to imrpove the validty of a questionare is to ensure participants know responses are anonymous to reduce socially desirable answers
  • Improving observation can be done by conducting covert observations, increasing the liklihood that observered behaviours are natural.
  • Another way to improve the valdity of observations is to use behavioral categories to reduce researcher subjectivity, also ensurign these are clearly defined and not overlap improve the validity further.
  • Qualitative methodology is seen to have higher ecological validity and can be used to imporve the validty of observation, such as case studies or interview, e.g including quotes demonstrates evidence of analysis.
  • Triangulation involves collecting data from various sources to improve validity, such a interviews, obsevations and written reports
  • Name 3 ways validty can be improved?
    • control group
    • single-blind or double-blind trials
    • standardised instructions
  • what two ways can improve the validty of a questionaire?

    lie scale check
  • how can the validty of questionaires be improved?
    1. covert observations
    2. behavioural categories
    3. qualitative methodology
    4. triangualtion