Adults: hardened forewings, straight line down back
Larva: distinct head, chewing mouthparts, three pairs of well-developed legs with tarsal claws at the end of each leg
True Bugs
Identifiable Features:
Adults: sucking and piercing mouthparts (beak), usually two different textured wings (hardened and membranous)
Immatures: wingless nymphs
Identifiable Features:
Adults: 1 pair of wings and halteres
Larva: maggots, no head
Butterflies and Moths
Identifiable Features:
Adults: Scale-covered wings, proboscis mouth part
Larva: Well-developed heads, chewing mouthparts, 2-5 pairs of fleshy prolegs and usually three pairs of thoracic legs (larvae are hard to distinguish what species based on visual ID)
Identifiable Features:
Adults: Tiny insects with fringed wings and a bladder (ball) at the end of the leg – no tarsal claws. Oblong. Mouthpart unique, vestigial right mandible is used as stylet and the left mandible scrapes the surface.