Communication is derived from a Latin word "communis", meaning common
Haptics: sense of touch
Proxemics: space maintained to an individual
Iconics: symbols and signages used
Olfactory: communication through smell
Chronemics: how time is used to affect communication
Monochronic - one at a time
Polychronic - can be done multiple at once
Presupposition: giving assumptions in an utterance without confirmation
Gesture: movement of hand and head
Facial Expression: movement of facial muscles
Eye contact: looking directly into one's eyes
Body Stance: position of a person's body
Verbal/Lexical Component: words that are uttered or shared to express thoughts
Paraverbal Component: how messages are conveyed through tone, pitch, and pacing of voices
Non-lexical/Non-Verbal Component: messages sent through posture, gestures, facial expressions, and spatial distance
derived from a latin word "communis", meaning common
common understanding of something
Linear perspective
communication is process or act of transmitting a message from a sender to receiver
Process of communication
Interactive perspective
communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior
Symbolic perspective
communication uses symbols to present things, process, ideas, or events
these symbols are arbitrary constructions that represent a communicator's thought
Pragmatic perspective
any sign-mediated interaction that follows combinatorial, context-specific and content-coherent rules
Purposive Communication
an intentional communication that happens within the bound of the specific context
transmission of message with the end in mind
Function of Communication
Utilitarian Function
Aesthetic Function
Cathartic Function
Therapeutic Function
Phatic Function
Recording-Transmitting Function
Prevention of Communication
Instrumental Function
Affective Function
Utilitarian Function
to fulfill our desires, needs and goals
express these aspirations and dreams
Aesthetic Function
use of communication in an artistic manner like performing on a stage play, news casting, poetry interpretation, etc
Cathartic Function
pouring out of suppressed emotions
use to release tension and repressed emotions
Therapeutic Function
serves to maintain good health
applies curative effect of communication like counseling sessions
Phatic Communication
start a communication
small talk and simple greetings like "hi"
Recording-Transmitting Function
listening to information then relaying it to other people
jotting down received message and transmit to other people
Prevention of Communication
stop communication
show disinterested in the speaker and a desire to end a conversation
Instrumental Function
words of a person caused something to happen
use to express our need to get things done
Affective Communication
effect of communication to reinforce a behavior of a person
affects the ego of a person and can make a person feel good or bad
Components of Communication
Body Language
facial expression
eye contact
body stance
Noise Barrier
Environmental Factor
Defective Channel
Language Barrier
Poor Word Choice
Pronunciation of Words
Fear of Criticism
Physical Factor
Noise Barrier
distract person in an environment
could be physical or psychological noise
Environmental Factors
anything that distracts a person in an environment