Tree Biology

Cards (78)

  • The xylem is responsible for the transport of water & minerals
  • In trees, division of cells occurs in specialized zones called meristems.
  • After division, cells undergo differentiation to become specialised for their function.
  • Root hair cells are involved in absorbing nutrients from soil.
  • Cells with similar structure and function are arranged into tissues.
  • Parts of a tree
    A) foliage
    B) branches
    C) top
    D) crown
    E) branch
    F) twig
    G) limb
    H) bole
    I) radicle
    J) trunk
  • The organs that make up a tree are: leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruit
  • Meristems have two types of growth: primary and secondary.
  • Primary meristem growth produces cells that result in elongation of shoots and roots.
  • The growth of shoots and roots are from the apical meristems (tips).
  • Secondary growth produces cells that result in increase in diameter.
  • What produces cells that result in increase in diameter.
    Secondary meristem growth
  • What two types of secondary meristem growths are there?
    Vascular cambium and cork cambium
  • Secondary growth of meristems produce wood allowing trees to grow large
  • Palms lack secondary growth meristems
  • Where are apical meristems located?
    at the end of shoots and roots
  • what does this diagram show?
    A) Apical meristem
    B) root cap
  • root cap is the part of the root that is elongating and growing into the soil
  • two types of vascular tissues: Phloem and Xylem
  • Fill in the diagram:
    A) Sapwood
    B) Heartwood
    C) Growth Ring
    D) Pith
    E) Vascular Cambium
    F) Cork Cambium
    G) Bark
  • Phloem distributes sugars and nutrients made in the shoots
  • Xylem distributes water and minerals taken up by the roots
  • The Vascular Cambium is a thin sheath of dividing cells that become the vascular system of the tree
  • what is a vascular cambium?
    a thin sheath of dividing cells
  • the vascular cambium produces 2 kinds of tissues: xylem (inside), phloem (outside)
  • the cork cambium (phellogen) produces the bark (periderm)
  • the cork cambium (phellogen) produces the bark (periderm)
  • the cell wall is made of cellulose and lignin
  • cellulose is the structural component of a cell wall
  • lignin is the strength and rigidity of the cell wall of plants
  • what are the four functions of xylem?
    Conducts water and dissolves minerals. Supports the weight of the tree. Stores carbohydrates reserves. Defends against the spread of disease/ decay.
  • Symplasm is living tissue (i.e. sapwood)
  • Apoplasm is non-living tissue (i.e. heartwood)
  • Fill in the diagram:
    A) tracheid
    B) fibers & parenchyma
    C) start of season
    D) ray cell
    E) spring/ older
    F) fall/ newer
  • Xylem in Gymnosperms (Conifers) have: tracheids, fibers, and parenchymas.
  • tracheids conducts water and provide mechanical support in xylem
  • fibers provide mechanical strength in xylem
  • what is the function of tracheids?
    conducts water and provide mechanical support
  • parenchyma are living cells interspersed among other xylem cells, store carbohydrates, defend against decay, and have a structural function in xylem
  • what are the four functions of parenchyma?
    living cells interspersed among other xylem cells. store carbohydrates. defend against decay. have a structural function in xylem