Chapter 7

Cards (22)

  • Muscle tissue

    excitable and contractile
  • Muscle types
    1. skeletal (striated)
    2. cardiac (striated)
    3. visceral (smooth)
  • Sarcolemma
    plasmalemma of skeletal muscle
  • Motor end plate (MEP)

    area of neurotransmitter receptors
  • Transverse tubules (TT)
    LOL idk tubes?
  • Sarcoplasm
    cytoplasm of skeletal muscle
  • Sarcoplasmic reticulum
    smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    repeating units
  • Thin filaments: Z-lines
  • Thick filaments: M-line
  • Thin filament
    2 strands of actin woven together
  • Thick filament

    bunch of myosin
  • Sarcomere
    length: one z-line to the other
  • Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction
    sarcomere length decreases but thin and thick filaments are still the same length
    this is due to the change in overlap of thick and thin filaments
  • Endomysium
    CT layer around each cell
    type I and III collagen
  • Perimysium
    around each fascicle (groups)
    type I collagen
  • Epimysium
    top layer
    type I collagen
  • Fascia
    loose CT layer that connects the epimysium to the next structure
  • Aponeurons
    functions like a tendon but is a sheet
  • Striations
    based on the difference in densities of the thin and thick filaments
  • A-band
    length of the thick filaments
  • I-band
    area of only thin filaments
    end of A-band to Z-line
  • H-band
    area of only thick filaments
    end of thin filament to thin filament