Cards (8)

  • CSS Comments
    Comments are used to explain the code, and will help you edit the source code on a later date. Comments are Ignored by the browse, therefore you can place notifications, reminders and help you increase code readability. A CSS comment starts with /* and ends with */ Comments can also span multiple lines.
  • Inline Styles
    *You can define the style for a single clement using the style attribute. There are various tags that have the style attribute that would represent its value.
  • Two things that you should remember using CSS code.
    *The type attribute should always be<style type="text/css">
    *CSS code should be enclosed in HTML comments <!-- ..--> so that in a web browserthat does not understand CSS will not see the CSS code. All current browsers support CSS.
  • Linked Styles
    *External style sheets or linked styles are made outside the HTML file. An external style sheet is linked via <link>. The <link> element allows you to establish document relationships. The <link> element tells the browser to find the specified style sheet. It can only be used within the <head></head> section of the document. The style sheet file does not contain any HTML code; it contains only style rules.
  • Linked Styles
    *A CSS file is a style sheet that does not contain anything but the styles. In order for it to take effect, it needs to be linked. Do you remember how embedded styles are written? A CSS file is simply just like that without all the HTML tags.
  • Embedded Styles
    *Embedded styles or internal style sheets are defined by the container tag <style> </style> and placed within the head part of the HTML file. It provides style to the whole HTML file
  • What is CSS
    *Cascading Sheet Style - allows to control the layout of your HTML documents.
    *is simply a way to add styles such as font, color or spacing.
    *a text file that is separte from your HTML.
    *apply the formating from the separate CSS file to the HTML document.
    *attach the style sheet to the page using a link tag.