Cards (14)

  • Reasons to study globalization: 1) Avoid Parochialism; 2) Learn more about society; 3) Broader perspective of how people globally relate with each other; 4) globalization is inherently interdisciplinary
  • Essential characteristics of globalization: A process of forging international political, economic, religious, and socio-cultural interconnections.
  • Essential characteristics of globalization: It centers around the world becoming “smaller” and more interconnected with each other.
  • The different lenses in the study of the nature of globalization: 1) political science; 2) economics; 3) culture and communication
  • globalization in the political lens: > Political scientist: “challenge to the nationstate” > Emergence of International and Multinational corporations > Strength to regional blocks > Emergence of global political norms
  • globalization in the economic lens: > Increased free trade > Speed of trade (HFT) High-Frequency Tradingmilliseconds to trade shares) > Global economic organizations: World Trade Organization (WTO) > Multinational and Transnational Corporations
  • globalization in the CULTURE & COMMUNICATION LENS: > Scholar of Culture and Communication: “globalization seems to be shrinking the world.” > “Global village” > “Cultural imperialism"
  • globalization in the Anthropological, Sociological or Environmental Lens: Migration: Root cause why people have that penchant to move from one place to another. • The possibility for the emergence of the notion of global citizenship. • Questions the earth’s natural resources’ carrying capacity concerning the world’s ever-increasing and complex population.
  • “Globalization refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space.” by Manfred Steger (2014)
  • GLOBALIZATION: • Connectivity is very diverse • Affected by globalization: Businesses, the people, the government, the culture, and even education.Uneven and unequaL
  • Expansion & Stretching of Social Relations: • Presence of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) • Emergence of Social Media and the advancements in communication technology • Governments formed organizations
  • Intensification and Acceleration of Social Exchanges and Activities: • From snail mail to Facebook • Live television compared to and recordings used • Increase travel locally and internationally
  • Globalization’s Influence on Subjective Consciousness • We think about the world • Associate with global trends • A sense of responsibility • Process of Globalization: Always Uneven and Unequal – effects and results of this connectivity
  • “Are we global citizens? Or are we in the process of becoming “global citizens?” It depends on how we choose to respond to the challenges of globalization.