Reasons to study globalization: 1) Avoid Parochialism; 2) Learn more about society; 3) Broader perspective of how people globallyrelatewitheachother; 4) globalization is inherently interdisciplinary
Essential characteristics of globalization: A process of forginginternationalpolitical, economic, religious, and socio-cultural interconnections.
Essential characteristics of globalization: It centers around the world becoming “smaller” and more interconnected with each other.
The different lenses in the study of the nature of globalization: 1) political science; 2) economics; 3) culture and communication
globalization in the political lens: > Political scientist: “challenge to the nationstate” > Emergence of International and Multinational corporations > Strength to regional blocks > Emergence of global political norms
globalization in the economic lens: > Increased freetrade > Speed of trade (HFT) High-FrequencyTrading – milliseconds to trade shares) > Global economic organizations: WorldTradeOrganization (WTO) > Multinational and Transnational Corporations
globalization in the CULTURE & COMMUNICATION LENS: > Scholar of Culture and Communication: “globalization seems to be shrinking the world.” > “Globalvillage” > “Cultural imperialism"
globalization in the Anthropological, Sociological or Environmental Lens: Migration: Root cause why people have that penchant to move from one place to another. • The possibility for the emergence of the notion of globalcitizenship. • Questions the earth’s natural resources’ carrying capacity concerning the world’s ever-increasing and complex population.
“Globalization refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space.” by ManfredSteger (2014)
GLOBALIZATION: • Connectivity is very diverse • Affected by globalization: Businesses, the people, the government, the culture, and even education. • Uneven and unequaL
Expansion & Stretching of Social Relations: • Presence of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) • Emergence of Social Media and the advancements in communication technology • Governments formed organizations
Intensification and Acceleration of Social Exchanges and Activities: • From snail mail to Facebook • Live television compared to and recordings used • Increase travel locally and internationally
Globalization’s Influence on Subjective Consciousness • We think about the world • Associate with global trends • A sense of responsibility • Process of Globalization: Always Uneven and Unequal – effects and results of this connectivity
“Are we global citizens? Or are we in the process of becoming “global citizens?” It depends on how we choose to respond to the challenges of globalization.