Tests the efficacy of socialreforms and innovation that occur in our governmentinfrastructure.
As one variable increases or decreases the other variable followssuit.
The use of observation and/or directsensoryexperience to obtain knowledge to answer and support a question or hypothesis.
What are the four goals of scientific research?
Describe Behaviour
Predict Behaviour
Determine Behaviour
Understand/Explain Behaviour
What is the core benefit of learning about research methods?
Applying the scientific method helps us avoid biased conclusions because it systematically seeks high-quality evidence.
Define the four goals of scientific research in psychology?
Describe: Involves carefulobservations and measurement which can be used as a foundation for future work.
Predict: When what we're observing shows regularity, twoevents are systematicallyrelated to one another, it becomes possible to predictbehaviour.
Determine: Used to identifycause-and-effectbehaviour; if we know the cause we can change behaviour.
Understand/Explain: Additional research is needed to explore otherpossiblecausalexplanations.
A summary of the researchreport. It is often 250 words or less and includes the hypothesis, procedure, and the patternofresults.
A formal reference to a source, typically including information such as the author, title, publication, and source location. It is used to acknowledge and providecredibility to the information and ideaspresented in the study.
Reviews research from various perspectives, presents methodological weaknesses and strengths, explains how the results compare with past results and includes suggestions for practicalapplications and suggestions for futureresearch.
Summarises pastresearch and relevanttheories, outlines problems investigated, and hypotheses, are introduced, and connected to pastresearch.
Literature review
A written overview of majorwritings and others.
Overview of design, characteristics of participants, procedure, equipment, or testingmaterials.
A statement about the expectedresults of an experiment or controlledobservation.
The APA's searchablecomputerdatabasesystem.
Throughout the paper, authors put a brief in-textcitation at the end of sentences; the reference section gives details of these papers.
Research Hypothesis
A specific and testablestatement or prediction about the relationship between variables, giving the direction of the study and informing the formulation of research questions and experimentaldesigns.
Description in narrativeform and statisticallanguage, material in table or graph.
A system of logicalsteps that are proposed to explain a particularphenomenon.
Internal Validity
A study is internally valid when it meets the three criteria: establishestemporalprecedence and covariation and eliminatesalternativeexplanations.
Third-Variable Problem
The possibility that two variables appeartoberelated when in actuality they are bothinfluencedbyathirdvariable which causes them altogether.
Operational Definition
A procedure for indirectlymeasuring and defining a variable that cannot be observed or measureddirectly.
Participant Variable
Any characteristic or aspect regarding an individual that may affecttheresults.
Concurrent Validity
Scores on the measure are related to a criterion at the same time.
Construct Validity
The degree to which the operationaldefinition of a variable actually reflect the truetheoreticalmeaning of the variable.
Measurement Error
The differencebetween an observed value and the actual value that are being measured.
Stability or consistency of the measurements produced by a specificmeasurementprocedure.
Content Validity
When the content of the measure captures allaspects of the intendedconstruct.
True Score
Theoretical value that represent the participant's score.
Cronbach's Alpha
Based on the average of all the inter-itemcorrelations and the number of items in the measure; how the items in the scale correlate with each other and if it's highly.
Discriminant Validity
Scores on the measure are notrelated to other measures that are theoreticallydifferent.
Face Validity
The content of the measure appearstoreflect the construct being measured.
Predictive Validity
Scores on the measure predictbehaviour on a criterion measured at a time in the future.
Internal Consistency Reliability
How consistent the measure across items is intended to measure the same concept.