fine motor skills are using smallmusclegroups to perform an activity. eg flicking wrist while shooting in netball
. this falls under movement precision
gross motor skills are using largermusclegroups to perform an activity
discrete skills have a distinctbeginning and end.
eg. kicking a footy
serial movements are a seriesofdiscreteskills.
eg. lay ups in basketball.
continuous movements are nonstop repeating the same skill. eg running
open skills are constantly changing and externally paced with lots of variables. eg. surfing
closed skills are predictable and self-paced with no variables or changes in the environment. eg pool
Sport-specific skills are skills you need to have to play a sport.
eg putting in golf
fundamental motor skills are basic skills that form the foundational building blocks for sport-specific skills like running.
massed practice is a type of practice which has longer but less frequent training sessions
distributed practice is a type of practice that has shorter duration but is more frequently trained
practice variability can be blocked which is spending significant periods of time on the development of a specific skillor it can be random which is working on a specific sill for a short period of time then moving onto developing the next skill
intrinsic feedback is internal feedback from what you hear, see or feel through muscles and skin. eg knowing a shot in basketball is in
Augmented feedback includes knowledge of results (success or failures) and knowledge of performance (reasons for success or failure like wrong form)
direct based approach is a method of teaching that focuses on direct instruction from a coach which can include duration of time spent on a skill or the certain task selected etc
constraints based approach is using boundaries or placingrestrictions on the learner. this helps shape an athlete self-organising movements and decision making
cognitive learning stage is the beginner stage where you mentally try to comprehend how to perform the skill.
They ask lots of questions, make lots of errors and see lots of improvement.
Associative learning stage is the practice stage where the performer begins to refine techniques and movement patterns.
Starts focusing on game play scenarios.
Autonomous learning stage is when skills become largely automatic and performer won’t have to think about it. Emphasis on tactical skills.
culturalfactors that might impact learning include: PEARSB
socialfactors that might impact learning include: PPARTF